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Misdiagnosis & Inappropriate Care

Second opinions are a first line of defense


Healthcare Quality & Outcomes 

  • Before the pandemic, preventable medical errors were the THIRD leading cause of death in the United States – after heart disease & cancer!

  • 30% of cancer, 40% of heart stents, & 55% of spine surgeries are misdiagnosed.

  • After a second opinion from The Mayo Clinic, only 12% of their patients received confirmation that the original diagnosis was complete & correct!


High-quality and safe, top-ranked hospitals and surgery centers often are within a few miles of low-ranked facilities with high infection rates or little experience with your condition or surgery.  But how do you and your employees know the difference?


While quality and safety data are often difficult for consumers to find, it is readily available to health insurance companies. So why does your insurance company refuse to identify the best providers and warn against the dangerous ones?

Physician Quality

All physicians are not created equal.  While that seems obvious, patients tend to treat every doctor with complete deference, without thought to the fact that their doctor could have a low-quality score or even lost multiple malpractice suits. When needing serious medical care or surgery, who doesn’t want a top-rated doctor?


  • 50% of all surgeons produce below-average surgical results.

  • 29% of surgeons are NOT board certified, the premier designation that confirms doctors are experts in their chosen specialty. 

  • 35% of outpatient surgery centers use surgeons who are NOT board certified.  

  • 2% of physicians are responsible for 39% of medical malpractice claims in the U.S.



Hospital Safety & Quality

Hospitals are supposed to be a place of treatment and healing that restore health. However, in far too many instances, patients who enter the hospital for a standard, even minor procedure, are harmed or even killed, victims of preventable errors, accidents, injuries, and infections.


  • Before the pandemic, preventable medical errors were the THIRD leading cause of death in the United States – after heart disease & cancer!

  • 30% of cancer, 40% of heart stents, & 55% of spine surgeries are misdiagnosed.

  • After a second opinion from The Mayo Clinic, only 12% of their patients received confirmation that the original diagnosis was complete & correct!


High-quality and safe, top-ranked hospitals and surgery centers often are within a few miles of low-ranked facilities with high infection rates or little experience with your condition or surgery.  But how do you and your employees know the difference?


While quality and safety data are often difficult for consumers to find, it is readily available to health insurance companies. So why does your insurance company refuse to identify the best providers and warn against the dangerous ones?

Inappropriate Care

  • 3.5 Million hospital stays among adults in 2017 were potentially preventable.

  • 33% of surgical procedures are not supported by clinical research and may be harmful to patients.

  • 44% of coronary artery bypass graft surgeries are inappropriate.

  • 10 % of all hospital admissions are inappropriate.


It’s often about more than just unnecessary expenses…  Misdiagnosis can obviously lead to additional costs but, too often over-treatment or ill-advised treatment also results in potentially harmful inappropriate care.

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